It's the stage in middle/high school where you aren't quite dating yet, but you've both established that you like each other. It's exclusive but not completely yet.
by idontevencareno April 6, 2016
by dabsquadgangang December 22, 2019
by Ectoooooo April 16, 2020
1. A phrase, word, or sensation on the internet
2. A phrase, word, or inside joke in your social group on the internet or irl; you have to be there, can't easily be explained.
2. A phrase, word, or inside joke in your social group on the internet or irl; you have to be there, can't easily be explained.
1. Stop trying to make that meme a thing. It's never going to be a thing.
2. "Man I am hungry as shit." "What is that?" "It's a thing my friends and I did a while ago. You had to be there"
2. "Man I am hungry as shit." "What is that?" "It's a thing my friends and I did a while ago. You had to be there"
by Thug 9 July 13, 2014
What even is a thing?! Like how do u know whether or not u r dating or it's just a friend thing. Cause hun idk about u but I ain't gonna sit this boy, that I literally adore, down and say, yo r we dating cause like, what are we!? No we don't just do that.
A thing is like a unspoken spoken secret...
Everyone knows it, no one says it, but yet it's like everyone talks about it.
A thing is like a unspoken spoken secret...
Everyone knows it, no one says it, but yet it's like everyone talks about it.
"come on what are u guys?"
"Uhhh... A thing?"
"What the frick does that mean"
"Hun if I knew I would tell you!"
"Uhhh... A thing?"
"What the frick does that mean"
"Hun if I knew I would tell you!"
by Hello:) smile:)laugh:) January 24, 2018
by naynaygohard August 15, 2010
What even is a thing?! Like how do u know whether or not u r dating or it's just a friend thing. Cause hun idk about u but I ain't gonna sit this boy, that I literally adore, down and say, yo r we dating cause like, what are we!? No we don't just do that.
A thing is like a unspoken spoken secret...
Everyone knows it, no one says it, but yet it's like everyone talks about it.
A thing is like a unspoken spoken secret...
Everyone knows it, no one says it, but yet it's like everyone talks about it.
"come on what are u guys?"
"Uhhh... A thing?"
"What the frick does that mean"
"Hun if I knew I would tell you!"
"Uhhh... A thing?"
"What the frick does that mean"
"Hun if I knew I would tell you!"
by Hello:) smile:)laugh:) January 24, 2018