A "tearjerker" occurs when a male flashes his penis at a woman and the woman cries. It is said to be a very, very difficult accomplishment.

Can also refer to the penis itself, if that penis has, at some point in the past, been successfully flashed at a woman and caused her to cry.
"Hey guys, did you hear that Brooks managed to pull a tearjerker while playing Truth or Dare?"

Brooks' tearjerker is the stuff of legend. I wouldn't be surprised if he cries whenever he sees it.
by CJY May 18, 2006
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A handjob given by someone whilst crying.
Abby was so angry that she took me up to my room and tearjerked me for a full hour.
by qwertyuiopOMGLOL March 26, 2010
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1. n. a person who cries when they masturbate.

2. n. a person who has a habit of masturbating while watching a dramatic movie or "chick-flick".

3. n. a song by KoRn off of their "See You on the Other Side" album.
What a pussy! I'll bet he's a fucking tearjerker.
by nofgiehehderegsdff March 1, 2006
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To masturbate using your own or someone else's tears as lubrication.
I poked Allan in the eyeball and used the secretions for a tearjerk.
by Hirotter January 8, 2008
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Someone who likes to rub the one eyed snake while watching sad movies.
The end of that movie was such a tearjerker - i blew my load over the remote
by effurm the retarded rabbit September 22, 2005
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when something makes you so happy you can't help but jerk off while you cry tears of joy
ron swanson had a tearjerker moment when he visited the grand canyon. his tears and his seed fell into the heart of the colorado river below.
by taineekewbinpeenus December 11, 2014
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