Porno Laura, Young female who tends to record Videos frequently, also see Laura
1)adski go get the camera
2)Lets make movies with pl!
3)PL-what laura is called by lee and d
by Laura March 10, 2004
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"Prickless Looser"....As defined by a man who is normally a boss of some form. Lazy, self-infatuated, money moviated and lacking in any charisma in any way. Can also be known as a monkey beater. Takes many guises, but, in my experience, is a balding Dan Akroyd look-alike who, it is rumoured is also a twat goblin. Actively associates with both usm and AP
Paul: "Where has all this extra work come from?"

Karim: "The PL came in and chopped one off on you again!!"

Paul: "PL...What a wanker"
by Macster007 December 4, 2006
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A very pleasant name for a horrible disease (primary lateral sclerosis)
I got PLS, now I can’t walk
by Grixxlee September 11, 2023
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When you tell somebody to stop before they make a huge mistake
Player: I will drop this doll into the lava
Guide: pls no
by ExcusemesirWTF March 3, 2019
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Shorthand for please, but nowadays since texting shorthand isn't really used, it has actually become something of a separate entity. It has made it into verbal speech, such as "lol", and is pronounced "plz" or "pluz". In this context, in in and of itself can be used to mean:

"oh please" used to call out one's bullshit.
"please no" a subdued beg for mercy, usually from an online roasting.
"I had sex with this really hot girl!"

"Everyone has to learn it by tomorrow. Especially Jason"
by Dr. Futality August 15, 2017
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Pls is a slang word used when something is ultra funny, it is often used with lmao.
by cindua May 24, 2021
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Short for "please", used in email by lazy asshats who put the minimum possible effort into being polite. Usually used in messges demanding something that's trivial for them but a PITA for you.
To all staff: Pls make sure your T.P.S. reports have the proper covers.
by fax4voice3 April 6, 2005
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