Subtle, yet in-your-face way of electronically flipping someone off.
Via Email...

FROM: BadAss
TO: Annekins

Annekins –

Get me 25 copies of that report by 5 p.m. today.


FROM: Annekins
TO: BadAss


Sure, no problem.

by BadAss0001 July 22, 2009
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A word for when you have no idea how to respond to some dumb hoe. Popularized on Twitter.
Kaitlynn: i luv you so much but i also don't trust you and i rly wanna be with you but now i hate you again and don't care about you.

Me: I-
by Kay_jay_gay March 3, 2019
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No u autocorrected to no i. The ultimate self insult
Jack:ur mom gay
John:no u
*autocorrects to no i *
*John inplodes*
by Mimimyu1 March 18, 2018
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Often used within a sentence to imply that you are at a loss of words after hearing what you have heard. It is most commonly paired with either a “whew chile” or “girl”.
Person #1: Whew chile you would not BELIEVE what Ieysha told me the other day!
Person #2: Girl what happened?
Person #1: Apparently that bitch Samantha done got pregnant!
Person #2: Girl I-! What the fuck, ain’t she dating Chris?
Persona #1: Girl that’s what I was saying, the ghetto done JUMPED out!
by FTC Dictionary March 16, 2019
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A letter that overly energetic high school girls add to their otherwise traditional names to make them "cute".
Cheerleader: Hi, I'm Jenni--with an i! And this is my friend, Christi.
by me. September 7, 2004
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