A Genre of music that a typical guy in the military would listen to. Some of these bands would include Hinder, Puddle of Mud, Chris Daughtrey, Nickelback, Staind, Ect...
"Bro, before we hit the bars lets listen to some G.I. RAWK to get us amped!!!"
by fallfairwell July 11, 2008
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Anyone (preferably named Joe) who seems to constantly have gastrointestinal problems.
"Oh, man, smells like G.I. Joe set off some bioweapons in here."
by cootergirl August 19, 2008
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A French G.I. Joe, probably involved in getting France's ass kicked in World War II, who is hyped up about the (very few) French military expeditions he's participated in but is incapable of manipulating elementary computer knowledge.
He is very likely to be accompanied by his friends Dominique, Jean-Jacques and Francois.
The guy who gave the speech today for the French military convocation was your typical G.I. Jean. I mean that conference, what a fucking bore. All that talk about how torture is bad... LOOK WHOSE TALKING.
by MisterDot May 10, 2010
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A jewish person who all he wears is: a yamaka, combat boots, and sometimes tank tops (showing his farmers tan). He hangs out with the weird kids and tries to go after the hot girls. He fails miserably and goes back to dating the weird girls.
Damn, look at G.I. Jew over there trying to date that thick girl
by Papa_smurf_can_i_lick_your_ass December 5, 2016
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The less buff, less handsome, gawky looking G.I. Joe that has no military experience and thinks his machine gun shoots nerf balls.

Also used to describe a jock wannabe.
Look at him in that football uniform, pretending he knows what he's doing. What a G.I. Jimbo.
by ~*erin*~ April 10, 2004
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An African American who is borderline obsessed with things regarding the military, marines, etc. and also has a fascination with weaponry but has no desire to enlist or join any groups. Often spends long hours playing Call of Duty or its many clones.
Chris: Yo Steven check out this cool Desert Eagle this guy has on craigslist.

Steven: You're such a G.I. Jaquan
by ihatethatfreakinguysomuch March 31, 2011
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