n. Masculine form of tweet but lacking the amusing camel-toe.
Oh thay Clarence, Mary and I just luvv your new Wedgie! Girl, it is fab-u-lous!
by D'emon November 21, 2002
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In Total Drama Island, DJ talked about this story that happened to him.

His brothers dared him to jump off a high dive platform at the pool. He was scared but he jumped, he landed on his butt. His trunks went so far up his butt that they had to go to the doctor to get it removed. They called it the Wedgie Flop
person1: Go jump off the high dive platform over there
person2: No, I don't wanna get a Wedgie Flop
by zoombaxd October 20, 2018
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That term that the girl from Power Rangers used to describe a wedgie but she was soaking wet. Referenced by Cinemasins.
"Man after going down the water slide, my trunks gave me a wet wedgie"
by Yít August 22, 2017
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A sopping wet vagina wedgie, usually caused when swimming in casual wear. Can also refer to the front of the panties getting sucked up into the vagina.
"I went swimming the other day and got a really bad Wet Wedgie. It made me cry, it hurt so bad."
by Simbionic Assassin August 22, 2017
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A wedgie in your muscles and/or brain
Linda worked very hard today she must have a big muscle wedgie

Susan did a lot of sit ups at the gym she'll have a big muscle wedgie tomorrow!;)
by ilikeanan September 7, 2016
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A fantasy, especially sexual in nature, that gets stuck in your head and keeps coming back to tease you over a period of days or weeks.
"Seeing her dancing in those red boots the other night really gave me a fantasy wedgie."
by DrPhil October 15, 2009
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A type of Roblox player no one likes. They usually play Da Hood and are literal pick me’s. They’ll probably have zombie animation on and have a display name like “kitten.”
by Axl_Don July 30, 2021
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