Pieces of shit Who should be arrested and sent to prison they will never contribute to society and they never have. They are terrible in every way
by Destoyerofeps July 9, 2022
A french phrase meaning to "get a coffe" (at a cafe). This is sometimes used in english as an innuendo to imply that you are looking for a date with the said person. It is a reference to the mythical romantic cafes of Paris by the Seine, where lovers go on dates.
by vgroff May 22, 2011
A few people hang from rafters and someone runs through the middle, that peson gets kicked by the people hanging by the rafters.
RLTI '09, a person ran through the middle as some other people hang from the ceiling and kicked the one person multiple times, this is the cyber cafe gauntlet.
by phillyregion#32 November 19, 2009
this is slang for telling someone you were somewhere but you were actually getting fucked by lots of gay men
by Pavee November 22, 2007
When someone fucks in the bathroom at Alamo Cafe, a restaurant chain in San Antonio, Texas, they become members of the Alamo Cafe Tortilla Club.
“Wow, looks like Esteban and Morgana had a good time in the bathroom. I bet they joined the Alamo Cafe Tortilla Club”.
by RealDefinitionsForRealPeople February 6, 2021
even though some people are into winking star saloons, some are also into hanging clam cafes...they're right around the corner from each other
by jokuhl August 4, 2008
by nurseblade September 26, 2006