A choker is an accessory mainly used to choke your partner in bed to please them or make them pleasured rather than using your hands
Person1: Hey dude that girl had a choker on
Person2: dude she's definitely a freak
by EtikaForseen October 2, 2023
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CHOKER BUTTON is a womans nose. If they are giving a blow job and their nose hits the man.. they know to stop.. so they dont choke.
She was going down to hard, she was hitting the CHOKER BUTTON all day.
by F1CYCLEFAN April 19, 2012
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A person who masturbates in a furious and aggressive manner, due to the act being vain in nature it is usually committed in front of a mirror , individuals who engage in this heinous act are usually given away due to their social retardation and enormous ego.
person 1: "Hey bro!! why are you looking at my girl?!?! My body is made of solid steel! i've been on TMZ ten fucking times , i'm a god damn movie star!! I'll fuck you up!!!" person 2: "...wow. what a real goat choker". *walks away and continues on with life*
by Tomm Orrow April 10, 2015
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Hey, man. Got a smoke?
Yeah, I got Newports.
Oh, nevermind. Too strong. I cant smoke those goat chokers.
by ballsmahony January 5, 2013
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A trendy choker with cowrie shells wrapped around it. Usually, people that wear these are vsco girls.
Oh she is has cowrie shell choker on! She must be a vsco girl.
by yolo.hehehe July 19, 2019
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When a girl sits on your face without telling you she's bleeding. Upon realization, you sit up and begin choking her, laughing all the while.
"Hey man, did you hear what Zack did to your mom last night?"

"Yeah, man. I can't believe he went all Joker Choker on her. It took a week to get that off his face."
by RomanBoners September 3, 2023
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