Usurp is to take over illegally or legitimately by Force.
We usurp we dominant existences
by Ggmain December 12, 2020
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A dope word. Really. It is. You can Usurp all kind of shit. Do you know what it means? Do you know what usurp means? Bet you don’t. Cus ya brains is no good. Read a book.
Hym “Oh? They’re trying to usurp God? What an original idea! Oh, wait... it’s not. Because I said that. Like 2 years ago.... I’m a genius. Ahead of my time.”
by Hym Iam November 28, 2022
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Userp is to take over illiagly or lagitametly by forse.
We usurp we dominant existences
by Ggmain December 12, 2020
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The commandeering of someones unused facebook page for personal use.
Jason has a facebook. Jason never uses his facebook. You and friends decide to use his facebook for your own personal use by sharing music, ideas, stories on his wall (posts do not necessarily relate to Jason). In other words, you and friends face-usurp Jason's facebook.
by Maverickhands March 24, 2010
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noun. Mortal enemy to the public whistler. A person of dominant mentality who, upon hearing a public whistler performing, also begins to whistle. Usurper whistling is a coup attack upon the public whistler. The usurper whistler can be identified by the fact that s/he is always whistling louder and usually faster than the public whistler.

verb. usurp-whistle
The other day I was whistling on a bus and fell victim to a usurper whistler. I was doing that part from Sitting on the Dock of a Bay and he started whistling Yankee Doodle Dandy at the top of his register. He usurp-whistled me.
by Thel200ster March 21, 2007
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A President who loses the popular vote, but wins the election through the electoral college. Aka The Upotus.
Donald Trump is a usurper president bro nobody voted for him.
by Anonymous heckler May 24, 2018
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Usurp is to take over illegally or legitimately with Force.
We usurp we dominant existences
by Ggmain December 12, 2020
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