Individual that plants trees and will not cut them down where they are not indigenous, especially in Western United States. This results in disastrous forest fires that, ironically, burns down the tree huggers home. Enraged by this, tree hugger then torches large SUV's in car lots, releasing incredible amounts of toxins into the atmosphere. Can usually be found in upscale coffee bars and protesting at world economic summits.
Bob loved junk science because it went hand in hand with being a tree hugger.
by ponder November 1, 2003
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When you become so drunk, that you hug a tree because they can't stand.
Kathy got so totally blitzed that she became a tree hugger to stop the world from spinning.
by tori13 January 18, 2017
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A Enviornmentalist AKA Hippie
Why don't you just go hug a tree, you damn tree hugger
by ac February 9, 2004
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A down to earth person who is at peace with nature and all of its beauty, someone who loves all living things and the natural source it had came from.
Benjamin had loved nature with all of his heart and the beautiful people in it, some might call him a tree hugger.
by h4273happiehippies January 17, 2018
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Tree huggers are stupid dumbasses who love the environment. They cry about killing animals and say "your sick!" If you kill a deer. Then, usually it's a tradition to grab yor remington shotgun and say " GET OFF MAH LAWN!!!"
Bob: Hey see those Tree huggers?
Ron: yea, I'm gonna give em a taste of mah buckshot!
by Laoej123345 February 3, 2013
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A person who most likely originated from Canada or the Northwest coast, who loves trees and all nature. who would bravely die to save the trees.
Tana Armitstead is a dedicated Tree hugger who is fighting for peace and Trees.
by Khana Dai October 5, 2003
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Tree huggers are people who aspire to live in trees for months on end in order to save the trees from being cut down to make room for commercial endeavers by the owners of the property on which the tree(s) are located. Their environmental activism is often funded for by the capitalism of their parents.
Myra is going to live in a tree for six months while her parents pay her student loans and credit card bills. She's such a good little activist.
by Jenn October 22, 2003
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