97 definitions by Jenn

A store which has lotta brand name clothing such as TNA, Mavi, Talula, 555 Soul etc.
by Jenn January 9, 2005
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the best tool for smokeing pot
by Jenn May 27, 2003
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An awesome type of music. sometimes with trumpets, trombones, and/or saxophones! Upbeat, and get to skank to! oh and reggae came from it,not the other way around
by Jenn August 22, 2003
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Boot tut, that bottle of wine got you slizzed!
by Jenn March 18, 2004
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Derived from the loser people that live in Goulais (a very hick area outside of Sault Ste Marie) it mean to suck. As in to be no good. hick-ish.
That party was so goulais.
Whatever, forget him, he's too goulais.
by Jenn November 24, 2004
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an area more commenly reffered to as the "ghetto" which consists of every ethnic background possible.oh and mikhail lives there.
ima go visit my home dawgs in the 310.
by Jenn April 20, 2004
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"She was walking around quixotically, without a thought of where she was going."
by Jenn February 6, 2003
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