Blinking so hard that your eyes blonk.
Adam: *blink blink blink blink*
Giorgio: *BLONK*
Adam: HOLY SHIT!q3wriu4t8y
by Nidht October 12, 2004
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the polar opposite to blinking with having your eyes lids on the left and right side of your eyes instead of the normal up and lower part of your eye. Acceptable to use with describing aliens for mutants.
the alien at the other end of the bar was blonking real hard when this one guy who was not wearing a face mask sneezed all over their face.
by SupremeFemboy69 April 10, 2021
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To hit someone with a large trout that weighs at least 20 pounds.
He was being annoying, so I blonked him.
by Kate the Toad Slayer September 16, 2007
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Very well built person (gym enhanced or natural), generally a man
That bouncer on the door of the club was blonks! I wouldn't mess with hin, for sheezy!
by CharlieOah February 17, 2003
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Blonk is the name of immature/disrespectful/rude fans of Blackpink. It is a name created by Blinks- Blackpink's fans that show the fandom in good light, by being respectful and mature. Blonks are usually very rude towards people from other fandoms or their own, and try to make their favourite group seeming superior to others or/and insult certain members/groups that they may dislike or feel threatened by.
iKONIC: Damn why are some people of your fandom going so hard on that member from a girl/boy group?

Blink: We do not really consider them part of our fandom, we call them Blonks, because they show BlackPink in bad light.
by Rosieareroses August 23, 2018
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Two ugly and/or fat people at a bar that you know are going home to have sex. The act of two ugly and/or fat people having sex.
They are definitely going to be blonking tonight
by DingoInDenver January 14, 2015
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A personal online diary in which the author writes solely about herself (originating from the term "blog").
"Nobody tells me anything anymore. They're scared it's going to wind up in my blonk. As if! This blonk is strictly me me me, that's the whole point of a blonk isn't it?"
by Annie Rhiannon December 9, 2006
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