Osi is a Sweet and beautiful Person. Osi is the front and end letter removed from the name Josie or Other names with “Osi”. Osi is very brave and calming to other people.
Osi comforts there love ones
by Someone19381 May 21, 2021
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7 All-Application
6 People-Presentation
5 Studying-Session
4 This-Transport
3 Need-Network
2 Daily-Datalink
1 Prayer-Physical
This little trick helps me remember the damn things on the Cisco tests.
by anonymous December 12, 2004
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set of seven layers that define the different stages that data must go through to travel from one device to another over a network

Use the acronym (Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away) to remember the layers of the model in order (Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application)
by Jon September 26, 2003
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a disease where one flirts uncontrollably; where one will flirt with others without even trying
Sarah: Who's that girl?
Alyssa:That's Courtney. She always likes to hang out with the boys because she has skankyflirttomuch-osis.
by ang4polo August 24, 2010
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Oh no, looks like you have contracted Gay-osis. This is a contagious incurable disease that is a result of watching too much internet pron. This being said, all men on the internet will eventually become gay-ized. Now that you are infected, your only choices is to attend a gay support group. good luck.
Guy 1: Damn man, I've been watching so much porn lately
Guy 2: Careful man, you might contract Gay-osis

Guy 1: My wifes vagina isn't appealing to me anymore...
Guy 2: Oh, too bad, you seem to have contracted Gay-osis from watching too much internet porn
by ZenZombie August 17, 2010
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a condition caused by extended exposure to immense homosexuality. Symptoms include tearing out hair and beating of the head spontaneously against the wall.
Don't watch that movie, you might catch fag-osis.
by nocure913 July 2, 2007
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The model showing a way a program is sent across a LAN or any type of network
Data Link
Phsycial=Binary Number
by Noah September 26, 2003
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