Extremely beautiful female, large breasts and a slim figure. Very pretty eyes. Likes to flirt with boys. Falls in love very easily. She is kind, funny and pleasant to be around. Commonly found with her friends because she is very popular.
Jane: Oh i met this lovely girl yesterday!
Simon: Was she an isobel?
Jane: Yes she was utterly beautiful
by ALBIONKEBAB January 9, 2010
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1 - A nice act done for someone with no selfish thought.

2 - A creative endeavor.
1 - Denise pulled an Isobel when she gave Danielle all her crackers.

2 - Sean pulled an Isobel when he painted a mural at the elementary school
by Pheebon January 9, 2010
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A beautiful girl with a slim and gorgeous figure. She has delicate blue eyes and lovely hair. She is kind, caring and is usually around her friends because she is popular.
Alice: Did you see that girl today?
Lola: I know! She was such an Isobel
by Maya Smith March 28, 2017
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Isobel is one of those girls who you meet and never want to lose. She is small, very cute and can be very sexy at the same time. She has an amazing figure but she refuses to believe she does. She always says how she looks ugly while everyone knows she looks amazing. Everyone wants a girl like Isobel.
Do you see that proper fit girl over there?
She’s called Isobel.
by Lil toilet bowl December 7, 2019
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Absolutely gorgeous. She has beautiful eyes, long eyelashes and the prettiest smile. She has a naturally sexy physique and smells delicious. She has a kind heart and cares deeply about her family and friends. She is very flirtatious and extremely funny. If you meet an Isobel you are extremely lucky. And if you ever get the chance to go out with one you definitely should.
Harvey: Wow isn’t Isobel gorgeous

Charlie: Yeah she’s quite fit actually
by Nicholette July 6, 2019
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The Scottish way of spelling the Spanish name Isabel. Isobel is a tall beautiful girl who always chats up the boys and denies that she is pretty. She finds that making terrible jokes and talking dirty is her way to find true friends - which in her case, it works to find people with the same mind. The majority of her friends are boys, but she gets along with those few other feral girls too.
John - What do you rate Isobel out of 10 for her looks?
Mark - Oh a damn 10 for sure. What do you think about her on her personality?
John - 10 outta 10. She has the most horrible, hilarious jokes.
by peytonquail September 13, 2018
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Beautiful Girl. Anyone would want to be her friend. Isn’t too short or too tall just the right height. Generally taller than her best friend and fiancé. Is one of 3 zodiac signs (usually): taurus, cancer or gemini. Pairs good with Scorpio, Aries and Capricorn. Brilliant singer, doesn’t know it and tells everyone else they brilliant too!
Jake: Isobel is beautiful Archie: Back off she’s mine!
by ExtraInfomation4U January 9, 2018
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