An erectile dysfunction is when you can’t make babys, which means your penis is useless for the making of a baby!
Hey babe.
Yes baby?
Do you wanna have a twosome.
sorry babe I have a erectile dysfunction!
I’m leaving you for a Penis that isn’t useless.
atleast I don’t have Vaginismus!that means your useless as well!
by forklol June 21, 2022
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Person who calls the operator and has them connect the person to the requested party,instead of dialing it themselves.usually due to laziness and not wanting to look up the number themselves.
Shayla has directdial dysfunction remembering extension 11 for hr is too much work.
by Alison1011 April 13, 2009
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A person that has to constantly say everything on their mind on a blog in order to feel relevant even at a time when no one else is contributing to the said blog. Person is unable to hold themselves back like with Turrets syndrome they also may encounter a type of tic. Typically in the fingers or what they type with. An armless person who types with their feet may have tic in their toes.
Ward commented on a sports blog at:

Ward @ 2:06A.M. I would like to make a comment on Pendleton. I wonder if he got a book for Dummies on How To Be A First Base Coach?

Ward @ 2:12A.M. Anyways you get the idea…….To the Heat Fans your team sucks!!!! Get over it!!!! Trust in Kimbrel’s stuff! He has a great fastball; I think he could be as good as Rob Dibble…..

Ward @ 2:15A.M. Instead of The Heat. Your team should be called the Char-Coals……. Just a little joke!! Anyone listening?? Time for bed night all…..and be good!

Ward @ 2:18A.M. My toilet is stopped up!?! Man how did humans ever exist without plumbing?!

Ward @ 2:21A.M. Why does it hurt when I poopy? My bum hurts!? Go!! Braves!!!

Other Blogger @ 8:00A.M. WTF?!?!?! I think Ward has Cyberets dysfunction!!
by PureEvilOne February 4, 2011
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when person cannot control their impulses due to a multiple sexual personality dysfunction
or a sexual identity predicament
eron suffered from a multiple sexual personality dysfunction
by rafael e Reyes January 29, 2019
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Orginally came from Jerry's telethon for "special" people. Which always included a retared person coming into view of the camera to get a few more dollars
mother to children misbehaving in backseat, "will you kids shut the #%$@ up, you sound like a bunch of Dysfunctional jerry kids"
by sLuGo September 29, 2005
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