A toxic workplace is somewhere you really don’t want to be as, even if you try to avoid it, you will be dragged into the backstabbing shit that’s going on and it will adversely affect you. It’s a place usually characterised by drama and infighting and where the personal battles between individuals or departments harm productivity. Toxic workplaces are often the result of workers who are, themselves, best described as toxic. These individuals are motivated solely by personal interest, the desire for money, power and status. They will use any means no matter how unethical, mean-spirited or illegal to manipulate the system for their own ends whilst undermining others and diverting attention away from their own shortcomings.

Toxic workplaces have been found to have profoundly adverse effects on the health and wellbeing of the non-toxic people working in them. The best advice if you find yourself working in such an environment, no matter how good the money or benefits, get out as quickly as possible.
“Malcolm’s crawling round Mark again trying to undermine Nick.”
“That toe-rag really is poisonous; he’s turning this into a real toxic workplace.”
by AKACroatalin May 24, 2015
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When one comes to the realization that their friends are not good for him/her. These so-called friends often backstab, gossip, lie, act selfish, use, belittle and even manipulate and are taking more than giving back to the friendship. Sadness and resentment is felt toward the toxic friends, and breaking away from these toxic friends is a must.
"So Claire, how is it going with you and Mary?"
"Don't remind me. She's a loser. She uses me and she's such a manipulator."
"Who needs her!"
"I know. I'm sick of having toxic friends. They ALWAYS bring me down. No thank you."
by Babydoll75 March 5, 2019
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When a guy has a really good dick, but he's incredibly bad for you in every other way, but you're addicted to banging him.
"Man I know he's fine, but he has that toxic dick, the kind that gets you addicted. "
by Agreatfire August 14, 2020
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A woman who only marries for financial gain. Once the money is gone, she quickly leaves her husband and takes what little money is left with her.
After Howard lost everything in the stock market bust, he realized what a toxic wife Wanda really was when she emptied out their joint bank account and split.
by Joe Rodolico December 12, 2008
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A relationship between two or more people who are constantly fighting or on thin ice with eachother but trying to maintain the relationship.
“Yo I hear Gavin and Lara are fighting again....”
Shiii again? They’ve got a really Toxic Relationship, man.”
by LNac March 8, 2018
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Nickname given to Aerosmith members Steven Tyler (lead singer) and Joe Perry (lead guitar) for their over indulgence in every illegal substance known to man in the 70's and early 80s. Now totally clean. And still rocking.
We were drug addicts dabbling in music, rather than musicians dabbling in drugs. -Joe Perry
by RagDoll June 29, 2004
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A type of furry that prioritizes their sexuality in daily life despite of personal priorities (school, social life, health, etc.) They withhold their opinions to the highest standard and are easily offended by a meager comment. They compulsively annoy their partners and those around them with edgy and disturbing content and disregard others personal space. Pornography is the focal point of their existence and are usually chronic masturbators. Living up to every stereotype, instead of trying to convince others of the positive qualities in the furry fandom.
"You know that obnoxious kid that shows everyone his collection of pornography? He is an extremely toxic furry."
by KeithRoySays December 10, 2019
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