346 definitions by AKACroatalin

The condition of having no civilizing influences or refined culture; ignorance or crudity; savage violence or cruelty.
With their gun culture, Americans never really outgrew barbarism.
by AKACroatalin April 13, 2015
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Acronym for an English expression All Mouth And Trousers which is used to describe someone who is an inveterate bullshitter. Someone who talks a lot but is unable, unwilling or incapable of delivering on their promises.
The phrase originated in the North of England and refers to people who talk a lot (mouth) and wear showy clothes (trousers).
"Malcolm's telling everybody that he's working really hard and he's going to complete the new website today and it will get him a promotion!"
"Has he started it yet or is he too busy telling everyone about it?"
"No, he's still talking about it."
by AKACroatalin March 14, 2015
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Gowk (pronounced ɡaʊk) is a noun with a number of meanings. It is sometimes used to mean a cuckoo or an awkward, clumsy or stupid person. Apparently the word goes back to ancient German and could mean a bastard, simpleton, or fool, which gives its commonest usage namely an awkward or foolish person. There is also a third totally distinct meaning; in Geordie dialect it means an apple core.
“You passed your kid off as his? You fucking gowk!”
by AKACroatalin January 3, 2017
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Something that fascinates most men; it’s found in pairs on females and is another name for a breast, boob or tit. Although it can be used in the singular form it is usually used in the plural, Charlies.
Miranda’s lopsided, she’s got on Charlie bigger than the other!”
by AKACroatalin February 20, 2017
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Although other creatures, including humans, do this, cats give the best demonstration of this phenomenon. When you see a cat stretch itself to its full length, all four limbs and tail extended, accompanied by a huge yawn, that is pandiculating.
“Susie was pandiculating in the office earlier, fell off her chair and ended up with her skirt up round her ears.”
“Interesting, sorry I missed it.”
by AKACroatalin January 18, 2017
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British Army acronym describing arboreal warfare, it stands for Fighting In Woodland And Forest
"Arkie, what're we doin' on these manoeuvres?"
by AKACroatalin March 6, 2022
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Gronfing is the act of eating greedily, noisily and messily. It is associated with the verb gronf which is to eat greedily, noisily and messily and the noun gronfy a person who gronfs. It is believed that the word originated in Scotland where a colloquial name for a pig is a "grunfy", but is now used south of the border.
"It's drinks and nibbles at Jennie and Phil's tonight; Malcolm hasn't been invited, after all once he gets gronfing no-one else gets a look in."
by AKACroatalin April 15, 2015
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