Saucy pumps are the magical hip thrusts the male makes after orgasm during coitus. After ejaculating into the female, he uses his own man sauce as a lubricant. This creates a wormhole in the vagina that leads to Valhalla, in which the male may feel sensations that his penis is being vandalized by a cornucopia of Valkyries noble enough for Odin's table in the best way. Often times, the sensation is so great that the male returns to a prime state of engorgement and may continue to pound himself (and herself) into a realm in which only divine beings and people who have taken a lot of DMT have reached.
D: Yo dude I got saucy pumps last night..
B: NO WAY? How was it?
D: I saw Jesus drinking das boot with Adolf Hitler and Tom Hanks.
by onewiththesauce November 17, 2014
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A saucy Hannah is when you play warzone for a hour then either your dad wants to watch the news or you have to go to work at a farm and probably own a really old car
Jackson: ayo is that Alex
Tommy: oh yeah it’s Alex he’s such a saucy Hannah

Jackson: true dat
by Gobbleturkey June 23, 2021
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Saucy Peyton is incredibly saucy even though sometimes he won’t admit it. Ultimately the coolest bro you will meet. Often says bruh or bro and yo. Even through all that he still continues to act very humble towards his saucy ness.
Lexi- “have you seen Peyton?”
Rachel- “ugh I know he’s such a saucy Peyton
by sarah_basic June 15, 2019
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When a person selling a pair of shoes busts a nut before they give them to the customer to try on.
Carl: "Hey Jim, when I let that guy over there try on some shoes I gave them a Saucy Suzie"
Jim: "What the fuck Carl."
by CaptainNibs January 18, 2021
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Exceedingly large calf muscles that are specific to menopausal women. It is these calf muscles that are so attractive to the eye that makes them saucy.
"Hey saucy calves"
"I look for saucy calves in my women"
Julie has some saucy calves
by Saucy Flanno January 14, 2018
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Ayo, Jimmothy. I got them pictures you sent me, man. That's one nice-ass Saucy Muff.
by Barry Fingerdiddler March 21, 2018
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