To be in a state of flopping around helpless and incapable of helping yourself.
I was floundering on the computer program, so I went to YouTube and then called a friend with skills.
by Big ugly May 20, 2021
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A flounder is a roommate who cannot look you in the eyes for several months because they are so conflict avoidant and passive aggressive. Flounders have such big egos that their eyes move to one side of their body making them emotionally and physically deformed for many lives to come.
I’m so sorry, it looks like your roommates are total flounders, time to lite the ego death machine.
by Scuba Celine November 26, 2021
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A fag-like girl who thinks she is hot shit when in actuality everyone hates her and can’t determine weather it is a girl or a boy this person is very crusty and most likely HIV positive. A real nigglet in the eyes of society
Person 1: hey did you see that new kid?
Person 2: yea I tried to talk to her but she is a real flounder. I’m just gonna stay away
by NotMikePence November 5, 2018
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Laying on top of another person (usually your loved one), making yourself as heavy as possible, to squash them under your weight.
Done to either show affection or punish someone for their derpy behavior.
She: *Tells silly joke*
Him: I'm gonna have to flounder you for that one.
by wurstle July 7, 2021
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Where a guy sticks four fingers in girls vagina and wiggles his four fingers around like a fish gasping for air
Larry was so ready to give this thot a flopping flounder
by Lorenzo Loco March 7, 2017
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After a hard sweaty work out you scratch your balls. A few minutes later without thinking about it you sratch you nose getting a wiff of something that smells like a dirty gross vagina. Now without realizing it your primal instinct kicks in and you get somewhat turned on by this smell of rotten vagina and you feel extreamly dirty becuase it's actually your ball sweat.
I just got the Invisible Flounder... i've got to take a shower.
by tunner June 15, 2007
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