Men who like other men, women who like other women, same sex couples who participate in same sex sexual encounters.
Prophasis is gay because of his desire for Sarannah's body.
by Vereku June 2, 2010
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When you are physically attracted to the same sex or if you watch Gilmore Girls, The OC, Desperate Housewives or any other shows of the sort.
Jeff found out he was gay yesterday.
by Jane Bostume April 26, 2010
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Alex:Gay gay homosexual gay
Jerad:No u
Alex: *dies in a silly goofy way*
by URMOMHOMOLMAOOO125 October 31, 2022
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Slang synonym for Stupid, Lame or Uncool, popular with Teens and people in their early 20s. Not ment in a derogatory way towards homosexuals.
Person 1 : "Hey that homosexual guy over there took offence to me using the word gay as a slang term for stupid"

Person 2 : "Wow that was really gay of them. Don't they know that it started out as another term for happy?"

Person 1 : "Probably, but they were too busy trying to make themselves feel like a victim because homosexuals on the whole are generally accepted in society these days and the overly sensitive ones are having less and less to winge about."

Person 2: "That's too bad, It's highly sensitive people like this, hanging onto an old term that make it hard for the rest of homosexual people to move on and forget about the old ignorant days."
by Straight man with a plan October 16, 2010
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when three guys live together and share one bedroom to sleep in
person 1: Yo, do you live with anyone?
person 2: yea, i have two roommates

person 1: cool, 3 bedroom apartment?
person 2: naw, one bedroom

person 1: ...
person 1: you're gay
by batrider March 1, 2011
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A truly epic disease caused by one human raping another of the same gender, the epic gamer who was raped then realises he's gay
"Omg that's disgusting, is that a gay?"
by Snapchat = dthorp99 April 16, 2019
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To have sexual orientation to persons of the same sex. To be bright and lively, especially in color.
Person 1: You see that kid in pink over there?
Person 2: You mean that person who acts all cheerful and shit.
Person 1: Ya, he is so gay.
by theunknownguy June 3, 2014
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