An individual from Scotland with white hair.
LOL get a load of Mr. Chopsticks over there!

OK, Mr. Chopsticks.
by Mista Chopstix (Glyphic) April 9, 2022
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Two sticks you challenge yourself to eat food with — but you knew what they are anyway...
"Josh: Yo, how can you eat with those chopsticks?"
"Jake: Arigato gozaimasu!"
"Josh: Oh, fuck off, weeb."
by TheStreetShatter March 19, 2020
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My friend said his dick is so small, that he chopsticks that son a bitch.
by NB Jeffe June 12, 2020
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A tool not dissimilar to the hammer or sextant, created by those of the orient. It is often used to transfer food from one location to another (usually the mouth) as a replacement to using one's own hands.
Elizabeth had the discernible distinction of being both white in tone of skin and also being adept with a pair of chopsticks.

rocksticks cocksticks yatchsticks hawksticks tonyhawksticks hopscotch butterscotch
by Literalblackpeople January 6, 2017
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