When you are a bad singer and try to cover Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" and so you get awfully out of pitch and then someone tries to sing it too and also get out of pitch and so they are appropriating your culture of getting out of pitch.
John: *singing I Will Always Love You out of pitch*
Mary: *also singing I Will Always Love You out of pitch*
John: Hey, I got out of pitch first. Stop appropriating my vocal capacities, that's vocal appropriation!
by youhadmeatok January 31, 2016
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The idea that something is meant for certain people/audiences.
The family friendly show/celebration was not age appropriate because of overt (dildo attached to singer screaming SEX! SEX! SEX!) sexual content.
by Losinghope4usa June 15, 2022
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Something that Urban Dictionary definitely isn't.
P1: urban dictionary is so damn sexual!
P2: IKR? It's inappropriate!
P3: who the hell says IKR IRL?
P4: this is real life dumbass we don't shorten shit here!
by fuck off nosy ass prick December 20, 2021
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Something you will never see here in the urban dictionary
Guy 1: Be appropriate!
Guy 2: No F***ing way!
by bubbleb***h37 December 16, 2021
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The act of copying someone's technique or moves in sports to enhance your own performance. athletic skill, athlete, basketball, football, baseball, hockey, NCAA, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, college sports, professional sports, star athlete, cultural appropriation
I saw you pull that triple crossover, you faked that guy out of his shoes. I got that from you after I saw your last game. Hey that's athletic appropriation, but that's okay-I got mad skills.
by joecoolthefool September 8, 2016
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Foreigners come to a country, purchase or steal land and then develop it as their own while forcing out native inhabitants or using them as cheap labor. cultural appropriation, aborigines, native americans, America, stealing,steal, redistribute, conquer, manifest destiny, claim
Jamaica is a beautiful land, but the super rich have come in here and used territorial appropriation to take over the entire island.
by joecoolthefool January 12, 2016
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Quoting or using pop culture references without knowing the origin
You: “hey coworker, I need you to resend that report.” Coworker: “ahh, you’re killing me smalls!” You: “oh I love The Sandlot!” Coworker: “What is The Sandlot?” You: That’s the move you just quoted, that’s some next level pop cultural appropriation!
by LuJon August 23, 2019
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