make sure

Establish that something is definitely so; confirm.
I want to make sure that none of you are Kira
by Donald64 July 27, 2014
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a valid excuse to say when ur choking
"i just swallowed the white stuff just to make sure it doesnt stain anywhere, now it just regurgitaed out of my mouth, now its back on the floor"
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Moxxie's first coffee order from Helluva Boss episode 6, "Truth seekers"
"what do you want mox?", " I'll have a neopolitan cappuccino more cappu than ccino and make sure theres no more than 4 ounces of milk, the beans wont have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name right on the cup. they always spell it foxy or Roxy, i hate that. If you cant handle that i'll have a Ventee traditional misto please use soy milk with two blond shots, Affagato and ristretto. I'd also love 3 vanilla pumps at the bottom, then add the coffee."
by VoidPineapple August 23, 2021
Get the neopolitan cappuccino more cappu than ccino and make sure theres no more than 4 ounces of milk, the beans wont have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name right on the cup. mug.
This is the famous quote from one of the three main characters from GTA V named Micheal De Santa
Man aims gun to robbers head "You Forget A Thousand Things Every Day. How About You Make Sure This Is One Of 'Em"
Pushes a Security guard at a jewel store "You Forget A Thousand Things Every Day. How About You Make Sure This Is One Of 'Em"
Security guard after the heist says "You Forget A Thousand Things Every Day. How About You Make Sure This Is One Of 'Em"
The actor Ned Luke says about GTA 6 "You Forget A Thousand Things Every Day. How About You Make Sure This Is One Of 'Em
by When you forget a 1000 things September 25, 2023
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