To be pissed and angry, the angry emoji 😡
Kyle: This is my tear down face
by SleepingMooMoo April 16, 2021
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a crying bitch sucking your knob whilst dropping a deuce
whenever monique gets plastered, she invites stephen into the bath for a tearful blumpkin
by mstrkrfter February 18, 2011
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When you wear clothing despite knowing it's torn.
I'm tear wearing these socks until I get new ones.
by Ereck Flowers November 22, 2018
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Strong emotional response to techno music resulting in happy tears and/or crying.
I remember being on the main stage of Movement watching Hawtin close out Saturday thinking to myself, I bet I could walk right out behind one of those monitors and sit down right next to one of the stage crew and no one would say anything. I later told this to my friend running the festival only for him to say I should have. I shed a very happy techno-tear that day. Was surreal.
by listen_to_detroit_techno May 18, 2020
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When you ejaculate so hard it hurts like being stung in the eye with lemons
"I have such a hard Lemon Tear since last night"
by Eljune March 20, 2022
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When someone embarrasses them self in front of a large crowd while intoxicated
“Yeah, jumping off the roof through a table was a major ass tear
by Ass Tearer November 16, 2017
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When someone embarrasses them self in front of a large crowd while intoxicated
“Yeah, jumping off the roof through that table was a major ass tear
by Ass Tearer November 16, 2017
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