To become angry or enraged, and prepare to freak out. (since one would presumably need a spatula to flip a shit)
When Alice forgot to do her portion of the project again, i proceeded to get out my spatula.
by Saepe Fidelis July 28, 2012
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A cancerous action where one brings a spatula to school and slaps another classmate on the butt while saying, LEMME SLAP DAT ASS WIT A SPATULA
Yo Ricardo lemme slap dat ass wit a spatula.
by fireboss518 September 5, 2015
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Wendy spatula is a phrase that is commonly used too describe a person that can use a spatula and other cooking equipment extremely well. Also, the phrase may be used for someone who cooks very well. Someone who can flip pancakes well may be referred too as "Wendy spatula". The person who is called "Wendy spatula" is usually a smart and artist person.
"Woah! He flips burgers so well he is a Wendy spatula."
"I wish I was a Wendy spatula, I am so bad at cooking."
"She is such a Wendy spatula!"
by I'm weird af August 12, 2017
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When a man takes his penis and slaps his woman in the temple of their head.
"HOLY HELL!!!! That spatula slap must have hurt if your woman passed out!!"
by BadAssBassPlayer May 18, 2011
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A spatula that has a barbed edge and a very sharp top. It makes for a great melee weapon and a badass patty flipper.
Don't underestimate the power of the mighty tactical spatula.
by patcat November 11, 2019
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When you spank someone with a spatula after they sharted
I had to throw away all my kitchen utensils after my roommate gave his gf a greasy spatula
by jumbo_plumbo February 26, 2022
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