The camels hump is where a guy puts a ball in each of your eyes and then lays his d*ck over your forehead and on top of your nose going towards your chin.
His d*ck was so big he was able to do the camel hump on my face.
by Funniest bitch alive August 16, 2023
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when a woman has the worst cramps in the world and she can hardly move! making her double over in pain. making her back curved like a camel hump.
My girlfriend must have the Camel Humps, the only thing she could do was grunt
by Sarahswann11 July 18, 2011
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Setting up meetings at a conference lobby in order to avoid paying for admission.
I didn't get approval to pay for the conference, so I will Lobby Hump.
by C-Ballz August 7, 2017
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The bleak feeling one gets in the middle of the week.
I got the Hump Day Blues. I feel like last weekend was so long ago, and this weekend is so far away!
by MrJuice November 20, 2019
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On the 27th of June, you can hump any one
Dan: hey John
John: yeah
Dan: it’s humping day
John: aw crap
by Johnform June 26, 2022
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The word created for driving over speed humps way too fast in hopes of getting air. While there are very few cases reported of tires actually leaving the ground, it is still a thrill ride if you do it right.
Dude, Lets cut through Bellevue and do some speed humping!
by WatsonN April 27, 2013
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when you are horny in the winter and dont have a girl until the lust kicks in and fuck a snowman/women until you cant feel your dick
Man I was so horny last night that I cold humped my snowwomen
by : ? l October 14, 2021
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