To get beat to shit. So physical lumps and lacerations are visible.
Yo I was at the pizza joint and these lames were grillin so needless to say they got lumped up.
by C$.Mal December 15, 2009
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Presumably, breasts. Grandpa Simpson used this word on the 399th episode of The Simpsons.
Betty has a wicked set of front lumps - they must be at least double d.
by j krash May 21, 2007
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A dachshund that inspires artists and their communities.
Lump the Dachshund and Boris were known in the Orlando art scene
by Gallerist January 9, 2021
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The lump of a girls pussy you can see when she is in her underwear or bikini
Guys at the beach: Dam dude see that girls snatch lump when she bent over to pick up her towel!? Pussy was poppin!
by JyahC June 3, 2015
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Breasts; The two soft, protruding organs on the upper front of a woman's body.
"Caroline crossed her arms across her worship lumps."
by Chrisdef August 26, 2021
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Another word of saying you got owned. A phrase said to someone to put them down or when they lose a game.
You just got lumped by crabcake in that round!
by broski10 April 23, 2009
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A fictitious brand-name of pork scratchings (or pork rinds) named in the movie Shaun of the Dead. Goes well with a pint of beer; package is v. aerodynamic.
Ed: "Shaun! Hog Lumps!"
A packet of Hog Lumps hits Shaun in the face.
by SnaggPDX November 16, 2004
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