get beat

To get beat in bed as sex
Girl stop playing for u get beat
by 40g2 February 8, 2018
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don't get beat up

If someone if Annoying you, you tell them "don't get beat up" Meaning Don't mess with you because you'll beat them up
Bryan told Betsy "haha you're so short" and Betsy replied "shut up Bryan!! Don't get beat up!"
by Shorty723 October 14, 2015
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Get Beat Muck

One says to another as a threat for bodily harm.
"Fa you" "You Get Beat Beat Beat Muck"
by Nick's Mom February 6, 2005
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get on beat

Florida people made this shit up... Means to get with the program
"Damn those hoes wouldn't slide top, they need to get on beat!"
by FL bitch September 17, 2017
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A weak and bashful excuse given for the refusal to perform any action.
Girlfriend: "Will you go down on me?"

Boyfriend: "HELL NO!! You get beat up for that shit."
by Carlos12343 April 10, 2010
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get it beat up

To be on the receiving end of a sexual encounter. Generally used referring to either a female or a homosexual male who is the "bitch". Every sexual encounter must include a person to beat it up and a person to get it beat up.
Neil: "That was quite an enjoyable sexual encounter I had with Susie last night. I am really looking forward to the deep and meaningful relationship on which we are currently embarking."
Carl: "You idiot. That trick only wants to get it beat up. You'll probably never see her ass again."
Neil: "What prior knowledge do you possess that empowers you to make such a statement?"
Carl: "Knowledge in the Biblical sense, buddy. I hit that shit just this morning."
Neil: "That is quite an improbability given that it is presently only 10 o'clock in the morning."
Carl: "I told you man, she's a ho."
Neil: "Sheeeit nigga I oughta smack dat bitch, ya know what I'm sayin'?"
by Nick D September 1, 2004
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When someone beats you up so bad that you are bloodied, unable to stand without help, and barely conscious.
Roy: Did you know Cody said you're gonna be getting the shit beat out of you when you show up to practice?

Brice: I think I'll be the one beating the shit out of that fucker!
by Nel the wicked October 26, 2006
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