To murder.
1:Let’s kill him

2:ok how about we stab him 69 times?
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To have the last drag or drags on a spliff
"Yo bredren do ya want any more of this spliff, theirs a few drags left"

Nah im good man, you kill it
by I C E August 25, 2005
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A word used with immense sarcasm to poke fun of a person who thinks they are "2kewl4skewl". It is usually combined with a vicious point of a finger to exentuate the sarcasm.
Guy 1: "rips around in shitty car"


Girl 1: OMG i have slept with SOOOO many guys.

Guy 1: YOU.. ARE.. KILL! you stupid mutt
by ChiefOrange April 15, 2010
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really good weed or smoke also pronouced "the killz"
"man has he got the kills right now"
by Lilibuggs May 9, 2006
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the act of finishing ones beverage or food product
Yo Sammy let me get kills on that gatorade
by J.P. Palmer May 18, 2007
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To finish off a bottle of beer or other alcahol
"Hey man, I can't finsih this bottle of beer...kill it.
by hghghg November 22, 2003
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