
DMV term
To agree with someone or about something.
Shawty be wildin’”
Kill moe
by NikoxNazzty May 2, 2018
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It means for real mainly used in the dmv
Friend: This looks fun
You: kill
by EnvyedBri March 24, 2019
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A 'Kill', or 'Kills' refers to the amount of Females or Males a person has had sexual intercourse with. Essentially their "Body Count" or "Kill Count" so to speak.

It's also a fairly more discrete way to let your friends know how many Females or Males you've been with, without letting everyone know.

A Female or Male can refer to their 'Kills' it's not single gender oriented.
Guy 1: Dude! I just got another kill last night.
Guy 2: Sick man, that's what? A body count of 6?
Guy 1: Yeah dude, I'm slowly piling the bodies up!
by Mr. Dictionary Man November 8, 2007
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In comedy: To do well and to get lots of positive audience feedback.
I killed at the Comedy Store sunday!
by Nick Beasley June 23, 2004
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When a person tries to make something funny, but they fail; a.k.a they are called an ozkill or Oz
WOW Ryan! That was such a kill that you should join us for the first annual ozkills on Friday.
by Coach0 May 13, 2015
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To murder.
1:Let’s kill him

2:ok how about we stab him 69 times?
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A word used with immense sarcasm to poke fun of a person who thinks they are "2kewl4skewl". It is usually combined with a vicious point of a finger to exentuate the sarcasm.
Guy 1: "rips around in shitty car"


Girl 1: OMG i have slept with SOOOO many guys.

Guy 1: YOU.. ARE.. KILL! you stupid mutt
by ChiefOrange April 15, 2010
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