Bottle - whether you have the nerve to take on something.
Don't bottle it now you big bottler.
by Adam brandon August 2, 2004
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1)Transparent Container, usually for liquids that is narrow, circular-based, mostly handle-less and with an ever-narrowing top, where the opening is found.

2) To hit someone on the head with a glass bottle, smashing the bottle in the process.

3) Guts or determination

4) Female with no volouptous features, in comparison to 1)
1) Pass that bottle o' coke

2) I bottled him with some bud

3) You don't have the bottle for this

4) She looks like a bottle.
by Gumba Gumba February 27, 2004
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person 1-"yo nigga you got the bottle?
person 2-"yeah dawg here"
person 1- "iight just dont let my parents find out"
by valsey April 18, 2004
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To break a bottle over someone's head, usually done from behind; great way to start a bar fight.
"Dude, shut the fuck up before I bottle you!"
by Efrum October 4, 2004
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To "bottle" is to force someone to vacate a stage during a public performance, by throwing a hail of drink bottles at them. A variation is to piss in said bottles first. Popular at the Reading Festival.
Dude! 50 Cent got totally bottled at the Reading Festival.
by Moose September 10, 2004
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something that you drink out of ; something that holds you drink soda .
OMG hand me that bottle , I'm so thirsty .
by Heather Jackson December 6, 2016
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A lie that is so great that it is the entire bottle not just the cap
Johnny Sins: yo I love black people
Elon Musk: damn bro that's a fucking bottle
by coleslawghter May 21, 2021
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