When a girl sneezes and squirts a bit of pee by accident. This affliction gets more common with age and/or after childbirth.
Maria: "Ah, ah, choo! Oh crap!"
John: "What's the matter?"
Maria: "I just speezed. Now I have to change my panties."
by KuriousOranj November 16, 2006
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speeze is a slang word used for my space.
Go check out my profile on the speeze!
by Stefanie1214 November 12, 2007
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A very chill person.

Usually a teacher.

Even though rude at times.

it is every kids favorite.

a sponsor of power ranger.

A huge fan of Ohio State University.
Person 1: whos that

person 2: oh thats speez

Person 1: is he cool

Person2 : yeah hes awesome!
by Bwoww2797 June 26, 2010
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A guy who is only friends with girls in order to get in their pants.
Check out that speez over there, he just wants to get in Gloria's netherzone.
by CheekyFunt November 10, 2014
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A fuckin idiot who never listens and constantly refuses help
"Hey drew, you need help?"

"No it's ok i got it, it's only 40 pounds."

"Come here you fukin speeze
by November 20, 2020
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Yo, I just speezed on some homeless people by giving them some food.
by Bio_Fuel2 July 10, 2018
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An utterly disgusting creature. Greasy. Infectiously addicted to being lazy. No motivation to wipe ass. WOW, What a fucking joke.
Quit being such a speeze. Wake the fuck up its 5pm!
by Oak tree November 14, 2013
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