47 definitions by pythonspam


1) Pictograph representing a word, expression, or idea
2) Individual or thing which represents a group, i.e. mascot, etc.
See: symbolism or symbolic
1) Giving someone the finger is the universal symbol for 'F#@% you' or 'F#*& off'.
2) The Bald eagle is one of our national symbols.

alt) Ever Since Prince turned himself into a Symbol.
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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Game played by children requiring only a ball and a wall. Similar to spread eagle except score is kept instead of the hitting of other players with the ball. Origin of the namerefers to the status of the person who fails to catch the ball, and stemming from the phrase 'is in a pickle'.
Dodge Ball, Kick Ball, Pickle, tetherball, We loved em all.
by pythonspam November 26, 2003
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Medal Of Honor: The only WW2 FPS worth playing. With multiple expansion packs, customizeable maps, Free Internet play, etc.
Man, Battlefield 1942 sux donkey ballz. But MOH rox.
by pythonspam October 23, 2003
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1) Killed in Action
2) Sexual activity stopped by the appearance of a parent, cop, or other person
1) My Granddad was KIA in WW2.
2) Janie and me were fooling around, but when her mom showed up our funtime was KIA.
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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A l337 team on CS known for their precision and accuracy with sniper rifles.
Dude.... The Optix Roxor.
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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similar to grr and Grrr!
Onomatopoeia of the Expressing of Anger with gritted teeth (a growl)
After taking the bone away, all my dog would do is sit there and grrrrr at me.
by pythonspam May 13, 2004
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As introduced on South Park, one of the 7 Cursed Words.
Your mother is a meecrob.
by pythonspam November 6, 2003
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