
to devise a devious plan. To be shady or otherwise use intellectual power to deceive or carry out a plan for a personal interest. A plan with a twisted plot.
Son, why you gotta scheme like that? that means why are you acting shady

Person 1: What are you scheming?
Me: How to take over the world
Person 1: I'm all we need is some pot and booze
by thundercat3307 June 6, 2005
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To hit on a woman in a devious fashion. Often used in reference to a younger woman, or a friend's girl.
Johnny: Did you see Bob scheme on those high schoolers at the bar last night?
Rob: Yeah, what a fucking scumbag.
by James P Higgins, SJ July 28, 2008
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To plan to do something to get someones money, most often by cheating
"And the girls that been scheming, gonna get creamed when I" -- The Gravediggaz
by AC February 5, 2004
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Scheme is a high-level functional programming language. A minimalist dialect of the Lisp programming language, Scheme focuses largely on simplicity, having a very basic syntax and only including core features thought necessary to the language.
(define (factorial n)
(cond ((= n 0) 1)
(else (* n (factorial (- n 1))))))
by Luca Kaceem Butler Masters January 30, 2004
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some who portrays something there not
a person claiming there this and that when in reality there just a little kid trying to scheme their actions
by Carlton Irving January 30, 2009
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as well as a scheme being a person it is also a word for their habitat. This is mainly high rise and marked by the inhabitants distinctive graffti
yeah she lives in a scheme
by bob the wonder jobby July 19, 2003
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liking someone and doing things that will get them to noitce you ore initiate conversation/contact in attempt to sway their attraction towards you
y/n: i totally like him!!!

y/f: then you should scheme!!!!!!!!
y/n: you're so right! i'm gonna snapchat him right now!
by sLangKween December 15, 2016
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