14 definitions by n008a

Constant factor in anything we do.
Cause for most of social, economic, psychological, political, military, etc. problems and blunders.

For great human errors see: "Dubya" and "communism".

For the opposite see: "Hal 9000"
Hal 9000 in incapable of human error, it's a bloody machine!
by n008a April 12, 2009
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Pronounced "Owbu" in English.
Slang for a joint in Dutch.
Jij moet niet zo veel oboe roken ouwe!

(Don't smoke that many joints stupid!)
by n008a April 12, 2009
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A really militant racist hobbit with all sorts of issues.
Oh and they come with the hairy feet.
Orc: That hobbitler just gave me a headbutt in the family jewels!
Frodo: Schweinhund!
by n008a April 12, 2009
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Derogatory term for Europeans, often used by rednecks who don't appreciate culture.....
and stuff.
Big Fat Texan:
Hey Eurothrash, we saved you in '45 didn't we? Or else ya would've been speakin' freakin' German!

Jean Baptiste the French Smartass:
Hey Big One, English is a form of Saxon (German) so you are the one speakin' freakin' German you lardass!
by n008a April 12, 2009
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a celebratory form of the abbreviation U.S.A.
Peasant: Where do you live and do you like it there?
Wild Bill: I live in The U.S. of Fucking Aye! so yeah! fuckin' aye, Mr. peasant!
by n008a April 12, 2009
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covert slang for the act of urinating.
Man I need to take a p1$$ again. It's the beer I guess
by n008a April 12, 2009
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