148 definitions by kelly

OMG! teachers and parents would u all just stop worring and chill the frick down i mean they r just bracelets and me and my firends r Pissed off cause u wont let us wear tyhem anymore because of the so called SEXUAL TERMS ! i mean there r ppl who wear them 4 that and i no that but sum of us dont and we want to get our bracelets back and start wearing them again ! its all about FASION . say it with me now F.A.S.H.I.O.N.
Hloy crap u broke my green bracelete now i will have to give u head ! YEAH right i mean let us kids do what ever we want with our bracelets !
by kelly April 22, 2004
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A really idiotic comeback often used by stupid people who have nothing else to say.
<me> no.. your plan is worse
<them> but ur retarded!!!!
by kelly March 8, 2004
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The verb "arsed"
Synonym: bothered
"I couldn't be arsed."

"He wasn't arsed."

An example of how this is used in conversation:
"What do you want for tea?"
"I don't know, I'm not arsed."
by kelly December 23, 2004
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when you give the double titty twister and jump up and down
WEEEEEEEE hahahhahahaha
by kelly June 11, 2004
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The lowest of all the lows that anyone can come up with. I defy you to put someone down harder.
My mom is totally dumping all of this shit on me to do today. She's such a cunt. Why, she's actually a diseased afterbirth of a lesbian clusterfuck!
by kelly February 23, 2005
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Someone who prefers to stick their tounge in the wrong orriface...
Shut up Worm you Butt Nibbler
by kelly February 5, 2004
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