148 definitions by kelly

Altering the moderator into a member
Hey, you heard about what happened last night?

No, what?

John had been demodded!
by kelly February 19, 2005
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To give it all you've got.
"I dunno if I'll be able to win this game." "Just giver!"
by kelly October 27, 2003
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A jerk-face that someone is in love with.
Dom n was there and he made us all upset.
by kelly April 16, 2005
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"Indie" band originating in England, fronted by British self-proclaimed "musical genius", and general twat, Johnny Bellend.

See also razorshite.
"Razorlight's album is crap, the worst this year."

"That Razorlight with their smarmy frontman can piss right off."

"Not for all the tea in China could I be persuaded to part with my cash to buy their CD."
by kelly December 23, 2004
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