402 definitions by jon

NOS is the acronym for New Old Stock. It's an item that is old, but ios not used. Since it never sold, it's technically "new" even though it may be several years old.
1967 Plymouth Barracuda Antenna. Chrysler made them and distributed them to Retailers. Stock was left over after they stopped making the cars.
by jon September 24, 2003
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A telvision station created by Viacom that is famous for looking back at things popular twenty years ago.
I like VH1 because I REALLY care what C-Level celebrities have to say about the Eighies.
by jon December 30, 2005
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Republican opposition to stem cell research, their call for amending the constitution because of gay marrige, their hostility to Roe v. Wade, and their pandering in the Schiavo case are all explained by the fact that Republicans have become the political arm of Christian conservatives
by jon April 2, 2005
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Before you have sex with a girl you must shave your pubes and then keep them in your hand. After cumming on her face, throw the pubes onto the cum so that they stick to her face.
by jon February 28, 2005
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A very cute and small girl, Lsanne is extremely good at moaning but VERY randy, oftem liking to watch porn before a steamy sex session with Bubba.

A girl who loves her boyfriend (The Bubsickle) muchly.
by jon January 4, 2004
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A boner so large it leaves you in shock.
OMG!! That girl had a electrc boner.

Jon is my electric boner.
by jon November 21, 2003
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Someone who has no time for reality, but lives on internet forums. They have huge post counts on numerous forums and are known by everyone, they claim to know everything about forums. The only windows open on their screen are forums.
by jon April 18, 2004
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