402 definitions by jon


Ok if you can get your hands on either a purse, bag or wallet, you can identify a honger

One dead givaway of 'hongerism' is that they have several bubble tea cards that say "buy 7 get one free!". Quite often, these places have really bad names, like 'numba one cafe' 'little elephant cafe' etc.

Also, their recepts, if they have lots of receipts from Richmond, from places like Yohann, Aberdeen and Daizo, this may signify a honger.

The pics they carry often signify hongerism. If they have pics in their expensive $2000 cell phones that aren't available in Canada, they are honger. If not, then they might not be as bad.

If they pics contain ppl in gay poses, such as the peace signs etc, they may be honger. If they have really slutty girls in them wif blond streaks in their hair, and no name brand clothes or fake clothes, then they are honger.
by jon December 17, 2004
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fat people

i think fat peopl should be shot at birth but until that law passes i think u should spit on them when u see them walking down the street as i do
did the air get fatter in here
by jon January 18, 2005
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Sweet Child

Also known as "Sweet Child O' Mine". It is a metaphor used to personify a very beautiful girl.
She's got eyes of the bluest skies and if they thought of rain, I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain. And her hair reminds of a warm, safe place where as a child that I'd pray for the thunder and the rain to quietly pass me by.

Sweet Child O' Mine.
by jon December 3, 2004
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jnr loaded

a band with a air raid transexual as a singer.
jerry dont like this band,but knows them well...

a wierd hatred....
by jon November 6, 2003
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A person who pwns people at something.
There is no true pwnerer,one may be close to the title but to truly pwn,one must pwn at all games. And when you meet him/her, you will only know him/her as
"The Pwnerer"

"A true pwnerer pwns at all games"
He/She is The Pwnerer of n00bs around the world.
by jon April 26, 2005
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When a person abuses an old lady, particularly by kicking her in the teeth.
Yo, my grandma was parsonsed by some dude in a back alley.
by jon April 22, 2005
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cheeses of nazareth

The pathetic excuse for humor, the annoyance of one's own opinion to state utterance of what he cannot comprehend.

Cheeses of Nazareth are Cheeto's made in Nazareth, plus it is known as sarcasum of what religion has portrayed as a negitive effect upon society for many, many years.

This however does not excuse the first definition on this page. The guy who wrote that is just an ignorant bastard.
"Cheeses of Nazareth taste better then american cheeto's." "Yeah, they do, and that reminds me of the BS religion has done to our country, world. Someone should do something about the misinformation of societies common knowledge."
by jon January 9, 2004
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