152 definitions by jesster79

Quite possibly one of the lowest forms of life around. A collection of no good, low life, lying, rotten, four flushing, inbred sacks of wind and horseshit.
by jesster79 March 1, 2005
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A general description of George W. Bush and his administration. Also could be used to describe Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.
by jesster79 February 10, 2005
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A man who uses religion as an excuse for all sorts of evil. A man who claims to be religious while using religion to excuse murder and other criminal acts.
Pat Robertson is the Grand Ayatollah of the GOP.
by jesster79 November 22, 2005
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Another mouthpiece for the Republican party who spouts off on a regular basis on FOX News. A man who has no trouble spinning, streching the truth, and lying in order to score points for the right. A hypocrite of the worst kind.
Bill O'Reilly started that war on Christmas stuff just to score points for the right.
by jesster79 January 18, 2006
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A FOX News Commentator who is a loudmouthed boor. A Republican zealot who thinks Bush can do no wrong. An oversexed middle aged man who chases younger women, and has perverted fantasies about scoring with these young women.
See also: pervert
See also: propaganda
See also: George W. Bush
by jesster79 January 24, 2005
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1. See also chimpenfuhrer.
2. A man who combines the worst aspects of a Nazi Führer and a chimpanzee.
George W. Bush is a prime example of a Chimpenführer.
by jesster79 February 2, 2006
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A man who combines the worst attributes of a Nazi fuhrer and a chimpanzee.
George W. Bush is a definte Chimpenfuhrer.
by jesster79 January 9, 2006
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