152 definitions by jesster79

The Republican's favorite whipping boy, so to speak. Something a Republican accuses anything that he or she opposes of being part of in order to excuse their racsist and homophobic attitudes. Especially if it involves taking care of the most vulnerable amongst us. They will toss this accusation even if the thing they oppose has nothing to do with homosexuality.
Human rights has been named as part of gay agenda by Republicans.
by jesster79 February 27, 2006
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In work or educational organizations the first person in the organization with a contagious disease who winds up infecting over half of his or her colleagues.
With this year’s office cold, Sammy was patient zero.
by jesster79 January 9, 2020
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A person who stands in front of blinds while engaging in public manual stimulation of a person's genitals to the point of climax.
A San Diego weatherman recently got in trouble with the law for adjusting the blinds in front of a woman.
by jesster79 February 20, 2011
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A type of logic that the Republican mind subscribes to. Basically Republican logic tells Republicans that only the rich white male Christian God is the only true God and that everything else is false religion. Republican logic sees no problem with blood soaked oil wars, tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the rest of the country, the gutting of social programs, the destruction of the Bill of Rights, and to make life as miserable as possible for non-Republicans. This sort of logic makes no sense to the rest of the world.
Republican logic is the logic of goose stepping, brown shirt and jack boot wearing thugs.
by jesster79 March 14, 2005
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Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
(United States Constitution)
The founding fathers were wise to define treason so narrowly that only a handful of people were charged with treason and fewer were actually convicted.

But this has not stopped brown nosing Bush supporters and Republican talking heads from spouting off all the time that anyone who disagrees with Republicans - especially with golden boy Georgie - using the treason label.
by jesster79 March 3, 2005
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Shamelessly kissing the ass of one Donald J. Trump and being extremely obsequious on all things Trump to the point that one's nose turns orange.

See also brown nosing.
Our Congressman is such an expert at orange nosing.
by jesster79 July 26, 2018
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1. An accurate description of the current occupant of the White House.
2. See also: Bush, George W.
George W. Bush is evil personified.
by jesster79 March 13, 2006
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