Chicago slang, A 30 is a Glock with an extended clip that holds 30 rounds in it.
I keep the 30 with me where ever I go you know I do it
by SouthSide Murderapolis !! March 4, 2014
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A term used to refer to a 30mg perscription pain pill, specifically an oxycodone hydrochloride 30mg tablet. Other examples are Roxies, and Blues.
Mike: Yo, you think you can front me a 30, Dawg?

Vince: Hell no, you still owe me from last night! Come back with $20 and you can get one though.

Mike: C'mon, man. I'm dope sick.
by Vince187 July 13, 2009
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A 30 pack 12 oz cans of beer.
Can you get a 30? I want to get wasted tonight. Don't even bother with the longnecks.
by James M. Leddy January 5, 2006
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The age that your mind just "gets it".
When I turned 30, something just clicked in my mind.
by mommao4 July 20, 2010
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Also written as ---30---, -30-, /30/ or ###.

Typography and news media shorthand meaning "end of story."
And they all lived happily ever after. The End.

by Dr. Beckenstein December 4, 2003
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How much u think a girl is worth
*go up to girl at bar*
say 30
if she slaps you then run before her BF comes
by teh uber March 12, 2006
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