394 definitions by j

street classification of any prescription or non prescription substance that is a CNS stimulant, common physical side effects of "uppers" are:

increased heart rate
feeling "buzzed"
Amphetamines (speed)
Methamphetamines (meth)
Ephedrine and Psudo-Ephedrine
Cocaine and Crack
by j January 10, 2004
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To lose your mind in an aggressive and angry way. Often coincides with a mental breakdown.
After that incident in the chem lab, he went totally bozoki!
by j November 7, 2003
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it is supposed to be the sound of a sawed off shotgun. made popular by the early 90's rap group "booyah tribe" also used by cypress hill in their early albums.
"sawed off shotgun, hand on the pump. booyah, sorry i had to get ya." cypress hill
by j June 16, 2006
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the dark lord of the zona Simpsons Comunity, he was owner of two forums before the zona Simpsons´s heroes destroy our forums.
God save cross, jaina and the others horoes.
kubanito no existis!!!!
kubanito lider de dos foros por dios
by j October 25, 2004
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Evergreen landscapes...shy beautiful women...men in lungies...and thoosha and chmanidi...Doesn't get better then that!!!
Kerala is the place where I want to be.
by j August 12, 2004
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like yanky doodle but funkier
wow thats funkydoodle
by j February 4, 2004
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