21 definitions by iCoinedThat1199

one who always checks to make sure the "L" and "R" earphones go in the correct ear
I always make sure to put the "R" earphone in my right ear and the "L" in my left. I'm a total L-R checker.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 17, 2009
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I saw Ralphie May on Comedy Central last night. That guy's effin' hilarious.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 13, 2009
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the instance where two people make eye contact, look away, then look back at each other at the same time, making it very awkward for the two
I had an awkward double take with that chick across the room.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 16, 2009
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becoming friends with the teacher's pets only so the teachers will like you almost as much
I've become such a teacher's vet this year. I try to befriend all of the teacher's pets only to get some brownie points from the teachers.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 13, 2009
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when someone yawns, then another person yawns, and another, and another, and so on; often occurs in classrooms
I yawned in class. Then Billy yawned, then Kaitlynn, then Alex, then Jill... A perfect example of the yawn effect.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 26, 2009
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buying clothes (normally used) for a certain price, then finding more money in the pocket than what you originally paid for them
I bought a $20 pair of jeans at Plato's Closet the other day and found a wadded up $50 dollar bill in one of the pockets when I got home. I love paying negative dollars for clothes.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 12, 2009
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the chicks you always see on snorgtees ads wearing those goofy t-shirts
I saw a snorgtees chick in an ad today wearing a shirt about bacon.
by iCoinedThat1199 December 13, 2009
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