When a girl wears clothing that is so revealing you just cant take your eyes off the prize
Vicky's shirt was cut so low nobody could look away.
by Double DD January 25, 2008
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when you tell a lie, or want to make someone feel better about themselves, and you dont want it to be obvious. often used humorously.
(to a balding man) hey jackson, good hair! *looks away*

(to a girl that just lost her job) hey nicole, im sure after dairy queen fired you, youll be able to get a new job soon. *looks away*

(to a browns fan) go browns! *looks away*

(to a horrible substitute teacher in your government class) you really know how to teach *looks away*

(to a fat girl with two first names) hey toni, have you been losing weight? your lookin good. *looks the fuck away*
by AverageSizedPeter October 29, 2008
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when you tell a lie, or want to make someone feel better about themselves, and you dont want it to be obvious. often used humorously.
(to a balding man) hey jackson, good hair! *looks away*

(to a girl that just lost her job) hey nicole, im sure after dairy queen fired you, youll be able to get a new job soon. *looks away*

(to a browns fan) go browns! *looks away*

(to a horrible substitute teacher in your government class) you really know how to teach *looks away*

(to a fat girl with two first names) hey toni, have you been losing weight? your lookin good. *looks the fuck away*
by AverageSizedPeter October 29, 2008
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A Yoruba slang coined by a Nigerian musician NairaMarley, It is used when you are not interested in something or a particular conversation. It's also means to be numb to things happening around you.
1) When the lecturer asks a question I don't know & he's coming to my side.. Mo ya look away 👀
2) Her : she posted I'm broke, I need to be spoilt on her status
Me : Mo ya look away👀
by Saucerer January 3, 2020
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A high Five given for something oneself could not approve of, which still fulfills the reqierments for a high five .
It's executed by holding your hand up, while looking away from the other Person.
A:"Hey I've seen the your moms boobs "
*reaches over for look-away high five*
B: *looking away frowning while holding his hand up*
by Razor Treewise September 18, 2014
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The sentence you see in a post regarding the Gaza genocide.
Speak up. Don't look away. Boycott. Never stop talking about Palestine.
by Itz KittyPinkiez June 1, 2024
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When you come to a stoplight and casually glance over to the car next to you and see the driver picking his nose. He notices that you’ve caught him knuckle deep. So you both look away and feel awkward until the light turns green and you book it, never to see him again.
The stoplight look away is something that happens to everyone but no one talks about it
by Buttermybizkit May 25, 2021
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