122 definitions by figleaf23

a method of dealing with an itchy scrotum wherein the scrotum is flipped to expose the itchy location and then the back of the fingernails are dragged across the area, thereby relieving the itch.

Compare: pinch and roll
Dude #1: "Dude, this itch on the underside of my bag is driving me crazy."
Dude #2: "And you think I care?"
Dude #1: "I've gotta do something about it -- I'll try the flip and drag."
Dude #2: "Whatever, dude."
by figleaf23 September 17, 2007
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a medieval weapon used by knights in mounted combat. About half the length of a telephone pole, held at one end tucked under the arm.
The knights charged one another with their lances.
by figleaf23 August 12, 2007
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I needed a new tie, so I went to a habberdashery and spoke to the habberdasher. Meanwhile, my wife needed a new hat, so she went to the milinery.
by figleaf23 April 27, 2007
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a period of activity defined by the single-minded pursuit of getting as much pussy as possible, no matter what the social or personal consequences
Person A: How did you like visiting St. John's?
Person B: It was great, I was like total pussy-grab.
by figleaf23 July 22, 2007
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a game the Bush administration pretended to play for maybe 3 seconds after the 9/11 attacks

Bush: "So, (smirk) where's Osama?"

Cheney: "Yeah (snicker), where's Osama?"

Rummy: "Is he (chortle) under your chair Mr. President?"

Bush: "I think he's (smirk) under you hair-piece, Don."

All: "~Laughter~".
by figleaf23 August 13, 2007
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A blow struck by a penis (typically in the face), usually in connection to the act of fellatio.
Last night when Debbie was about to suck me, she missed, and got cockpunched instead and ended up with a fat lip.
by figleaf23 June 17, 2007
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rightwing pissants, police cadet wannabes and neo-nazi skinheads who pose as anarchists and smash up stuff at protests in order to justify security crackdowns, roughly the same political agenda as the blackshirts and brownshirts of the 1930s.

If the black bloc weren't pissants, they'd do their thing on their own, rather than during peaceful demonstrations.
At summit conferences in Genoa, Pittsburgh, and Toronto, the 'black bloc' was abetted by police.
by figleaf23 July 1, 2010
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