Prime Minister

Chief minister and leader of the government in political systems based on the Westminster system.
In many systems it is a pre-requisite to nomination to demonstrate an ability to suck up, suck cock, and have a penchant for sadism
"Clean wax and polish as you dust with the Prime Minister's cabinet"

"The Prime Minister - Leaves your surfaces fresh and clean"

"Helen Clarke has the biggest balls I've ever seen on a Prime Minister"

by C McC April 6, 2009
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"C'mon rigby, we got to find a way out of here!

"Wait a sec mordecai, i'm punching the prime minister...."
by Norrabal January 2, 2019
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Salty Prime Minister

A Canadian sex act performed on a man, referred to as the "Prime Minister." The man's partner covers the Prime Minister's penis in maple syrup and Pop Rocks prior to performing fellatio on him.
Robin: "Do you have any Pop Rocks?"
Ted: "No, why?"
Robin: "Have you ever heard of a Salty Prime Minister?"
Ted: "No..."
Robin: "Nevermind."
by Komodeo October 9, 2012
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Dutch Prime Minister

A Christmas game in which wooden clogs are filled with human excrement and hidden around the house.
Once we finish opening stockings, let's see how long it takes us to play a round of Dutch Prime Minister!
by mile211 July 30, 2018
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A dichead cunt who gets a chubby when media cameras click faster over his fake tears.
"One of the Australian Prime Ministers staff raped someone again."

"Again?! I thought it was just office orgy week."

"Nah, it's assault a Co-worker week."
by Sparklette March 24, 2021
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punch the prime minister

dude 1: oi mate can I come into ya bloody dunny? I need to punch the prime minister
dude 2: nah mate, I'm punching the prime minister
by HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH man April 17, 2018
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