153 definitions by cornholio


A joke that's so corny or stupid it makes one groan instead of laugh.
That one that ended "Look at that S-car go!" was a real groaner.
by cornholio October 13, 2003
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Latest politically correct term for a black, Negro, colored American with even a minuscule proportion of African descent
Jesse Jackson is losing his position as chief African-American spokesman to the flamboyant Al Sharpton
by cornholio October 5, 2003
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"Pussy Benders" -- really tight pants on a woman.
Her PB's were so tight I could count the hairs.
by cornholio October 10, 2003
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There was so much vigorish on that loan that I knew my thumbs were headed for a breakup.
by cornholio September 30, 2003
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red state

A state that has recently gone Republican and is shown on the political maps as red; oppisite of bicoastal and blue state.
You'll never carry a red state with a pro-gun-control candidate.
by cornholio October 30, 2003
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A medical doctor who specializes in female plumbing, aka the reproductive system. From "obstetrician-gynecologist."
I was an amateur OB-GYN before my arrest. I liked sticking my nose into women's snatches.
by cornholio November 4, 2003
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Nothing; buggerall; nada. From the Yiddish.
I went on six interviews, and got gurnisht.
by cornholio October 10, 2003
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