a request made in an urgent and emotional manner.
"he made a dramatic plea for disarmament"
by swagmaster4444 December 14, 2014
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Be careful
Protect yourself
I love you
let me post a plea, please
by Krkič January 7, 2021
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To offer an unsatisfactory explanation after being called out.
"I address you and every time you cop a plea."
by lachi music September 13, 2018
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An e-mail written for the express purpose of asking for help in any way.
I'm in charge of this year's International Festival - guess it's time to send out a {plea-mail} and try to get some volunteers.
by taciatrue April 13, 2009
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Jim got busted and is plea bargaining to rat me out
by fsdhbshgjfjs November 13, 2007
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I gotta work in the heat all day mustpleasgotta go home and mow the grass in it
by Rooster 23 August 8, 2018
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To plead guilty for a lesser crime.
When charged with murder, one may cop a plea for manslaughter if the odds are against him or her.
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
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