101 definitions by colin

Told to someone being a moron on an IRC channel .. term meaing: join channel get the fuck out

Usually told to someone after they were told off. Or in a ban message after being ejected from a channel
ur a fucking lamer #gtfo newb
by colin October 21, 2003
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another way to say true blue but more to the point being sharp, not soft.
That girl is 5x5 and very easy on the eyes.
by colin March 27, 2004
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Wear it on ya finger, made of gold unless ur a cheap bastard then you can wear silver or copper
by colin December 23, 2003
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verb: when one of your friends gets married to a chick that is pure evil. The most common result of which is never seeing your friend again because his new wife has sucked the marrow of life out of your friendship. Used in anger, general despair, or for humorous effect when all you can do is laugh about the whole situation because it's so retarded.
1. Dude, he totally got wifed!
2. She's got him so wifed, he doesn't know his moose-knuckle from a pimply walnut.
or when marriage becomes a quickly-approaching cloud of doom...
3. She's wifing him, man. It's only a matter of time :(
by colin February 26, 2004
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A social media venture for fans of Nestle Quik
"I met this girl on Qwikster... bitch loves chocolate milk!"
by colin September 19, 2011
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any type of liguir can be called hardbar
i had around 10 shots of hardbar lastnight
by colin November 22, 2003
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A defecation so glorious that its passing causes your life up to that point to flash before your eyes due to the sheer emotion provoked by the stool.
Friend A: "Do I hear Brad crying in the bathroom?"

Friend B: "He must have just passed a life-shit!"
by colin January 6, 2009
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